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Freshwater Fish
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Ruinemans Aquarium Inc.
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Freshwater Fish
Super Blue Tetra med (Peru)
Peruvian Red Pencil Cenepa med
Penguin Tetra s/m
X-Ray Tetra m/l
Albino Pristella Tetra m/l
Diamond Tetra med
Yellow Phantom Tetra s/m
Black Phantom Tetra m/l
Golden Kerri Tetra m/l
Super Blue Kerri Tetra med
Blue Kerri Tetra m/l
Serpae Tetra med
Albino Black Neon LG
Red Cherry Tetra med
Black Neon lg
Ornatus White Fin Tetra med
Orange Von Rio Tetra s/m
Albino Glo-Lite Tetra med
Fire Ember Tetra med
Head & Taillight med
Buenos Aires Tetra m/l
Longfin Black Tetra m/l
Black Tetra m/l
Gold Neons s/m
Neon xl
Neon m/l
Peruvian Red Pencil Type IIl Amaya med
Peruvian Red Pencil Type I med
Gold Tetra Colombia med
Red Base Tetra med
Blue Tetra lg
Platinum Rummy Nose m/l
Platinum Rummy Nose med
Rummy Nose lg
Rummy Nose xl
Cardinals Jumbo
Cardinal Albino Lg
Cardinals jumbo
Cardinals xl (Wild)
Florida Flagfish med
Norman's Blue Lampeye med
Brilliant Rasbora Lg
Red Dwarf Rasbora med
Redfin Rasbora med
Dadio Danio m/l
Pearl Danio med
Longfin Leopard Danio med
Longfin Gold Zebra Danio s/m
Longfin Zebra Danio s/m
Elephant Nose Knife lg
Sierra Knife Fish lg
Silver Dollar med
Redflagtail Prochilodus 4 inch
Red Hook m/l
Redtail Hemiodus med
Exodon med
Yellow-finned Chalceus 3 inch
Empire Gudgeon Goby med
Albino Porthole Cat s/m
Turushuqui Dolphin med
Pictus Peru s/m
Glass Catfish med
Banjo Cat med
Blackfin Sharks med
Lanceolata Whiptail Cat med
Fallax Loricaria med
Whiptail Cat Paraguay lg
Farlowella xl
Freshwater Frogfish med
Archer Fish 2-2.5 inch
Malayasian Angel 2 inch
Apist. Agasizzi m/l
Assorted Oscars 3-3.5 inch
Bloody Red Oscar 3-3.5 inch
Turkana Jewel Cichlid 1.5 inch
Nigerian Red Kribensis med
Uaru 4-4.5 inch (Wild)
Firehead Cichlid 2 inch
Firemouth Cichlid 1.75 inch
Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid med
Kribensis 1.25-1.5 inch
Gold Ramirezi m/l
Blue German Ramirezi lg
Blue German Ramirezi m/l
Black German Ramirezi m/l
Electric Blue Ram s/m
Black Balloon Ramirezi m/l
Rainbow Cichlid 2 inch
Gold Severum 2 inch
Peruvian Green Severum 1.5 inch
Balloon Blood Jewel Cichlid 1.5 inch
Geophagus Brasiliensis 1.75 inch
Geoph. Balzanii 1.5-1.75 inch
Dimerus Cichlid 1.5 inch
T-Bar Cichlid sm
Red Tiger Oscar 2-2.5 inch
Lemon Oscar 2.5 inch
Apist Macmasteri med
Apist. Pandurini med
Apist. Mendezi Santa Isabel med
Apist. Viejeta m/l
Apist. Opal med
Apist. Hongsloi med
Apist. Cacatuoides Gold med
Apist. Cacatuoides Orange med
Apist. Cacatuoides Double Red m/l
Apist. Agasizzi Orange Fire med
Apist. Agasizzi Double Red med
Apist. Agasizzi Red med
Pearl Flowerhorn Cichlid 3 inch
Green Terror 3.5-4 inch
Green Terror 2.5-3 inch
Keyhole Cichlid 1.5 inch
Electric Blue Acara 1.75 inch
Canara Pearlspot Cichlid 2 inch
Zebra Acara Dwarf Cichlid s/m
Geoph. Winemilleri (wild) 2.5-3 inch
Jurupari 2-3 inch
Geoph. Daemon 2 inch
Pike Cichlid Regani med
Pike Cichlid 3 inch
Biotodoma Cupido 3.5-4 inch
Apist. Sunset med
Apistogramma Cacuatoides med
Apist. Agasizzi med
Maroni Cichlid (Wild) sm
Discus Red Panda 2.5 inch
Discus White Butterfly 2.5 inch
Discus Super Red Melon 2.5 inch
Discus Ordinary Pigeon Blood 2.5 inch
Discus Marlboro 2.5 inch
Discus Leopard 3 inch
Fancy Koi Angel med
Fancy Koi Angel s/m
Platinum Striped Angel m/l
Silver Veil Angel m/L
Silver Veil Angel med
Silver Veil Angel s/m
Silver Angel m/l
Gold Angel s/m
Koi Angel M/L
Koi Angel s/m
Panda Angel med
Panda Angel s/m
Philippine Blue Angel s/m
Black Angel m/l
Black Angel s/m
Mixed Angel Veiltail m/l
Mixed Angel Veiltail s/m
Mixed Angel xl
Mixed Angel m/l
Mixed Angel s/m
Spotted Scalare Angel Peru lg
Scalare Angel Brazil xl
Scalare Angel Dumerillii lg
Longface Red Puffer 3.5 inch
Green Round Spotted Puffer med
Schoutedeni Puffer 2.0-2.5 inch
Shovelnose med
Shortfin Green Dragon Bristlenose 1.5 inch
Albino Bristlenose 1.75-2.0 inch
Longfin Albino Bristlenose 1.5 inch
Clown Plec. s/m
Rubberlip Plec. L146 med
Anc. Bushynose Paraguay (wild) 2.5-3 inch
Anc. Bushynose Paraguay (wild) 1.5-2 inch
Leopardus Plec. L600 - 6-7 inch
Grey Leporacanthicus L264 s/m
Stripe Royal Plec. L190 - 5-6 inch
Stripe Royal Plec. L190 - 3 inch
Gold Heterodon L172a M/L
Blue Eye Violet Red Bruno L137 lg
Violet Red Bruno L137 m/l
Violet Red Bruno L137 s/m
Zebra Plec. Colombia L129 med
Blue Phantom Plec. L128 - 2.5 inch
False Zebra Plecostomus L127 med
Orange Seam Plec. L106 med
Redfin Black spot Plec. L91 med
Redfin Tiger Plecostomus L76 med
Butterfly Plec. L52 lg
Cor. Weitzmani med
Cor. Sterbai s/m
Cor. Gold Laser xl
Cor. Paleatus Albino s/m
Cor. Paleatus s/m
Cor. Green Aeneus s/m
Cor. Albino s/m
Redfin Otocinclus med
Otocinclus Zebra med
Otocinclus Niger med
Cor. Punctatus Colombia lg
Cor. Duplicareus lg
Cor. Diphyes lg
Cor. Deckeri med
Cor. Arcuatus xl Colombia
Cor. Aeneus Paraguay med
Green Emerald Cat Peru xl
Longfin Brochis xl
Slate Plec. med
Xingu Royal Plecostomus L27 - med
Endlicher Bichir med
Cuvier's Bichir 4 inch
Cuvier's Bichir 2.5 inch
Yellow Tailed Congo Tetra med
Syn. Gold Nigrita 2 inch
Syn. Multipunctatus 1.5 inch
Celebes Rainbow lg
Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbow med
S. Pacific Blue Eye Rainbow lg
Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow lg
Emerald Rainbow m/l
Goyder River Rainbow m/l
Deep Water Creek Rainbow m/l
Red Neon Blue Eye Rainbow males xl
Parkinson Rainbow m/l
Crimson Spotted Rainbow m/l
Yellow Rainbow m/l
Orange Boesemani Rainbow m/l
Orange Boesemani Rainbow med
Threadfin Rainbow med
Red Dragon Rainbow m/l
Albino Orange Millineum Rainbow med
Albino Orange Millineum Rainbow s/m
Madagascar Rainbow s/m
Goldring Butterfly Hillstream Loach med
Tri-band Orange Sumo Loach med
Black Kuhli Loach med
Redtail Botia 2 inch
Clown Loach 2 inch
Indian Multistripe Loach med
Rainbow Shiner med
Standard Butterfly Koi 3 inch
Standard Koi 3 inch
Bristol Shubunkins 3 inch
Sarasa Fantail 2-2.5 inch
Sarasa comets 3-3.5 inch
Panda Comets 3-4 inch
Comets goldfish 2.5-3.0 inch
Wakin Goldfish 2.5-3 inch
Panda Tricolor Oranda 2-2.5 inch
Black Moor 2.0-2.5 inch
White - Yellow Cap Oranda Fantail 2-2.5 inch
Red Oranda 2-2.5 inch
Calico Fans 2.0-2.5 inch
Calico Ryukin 2.0-2.5 inch
Fantail Nymph 2-2.5 inch
Fantail mix 3.5-4 inch
Fantail mix 2-2.5 inch
Mix Butterfly Fantail 3-3.5 inch
Mix Ryukin Fantail 2.0-2.5 inch
Goldfish mix 3.5-4 inch
Goldfish mix 3-3.5 inch
Premium Oranda Fantail mix 3 inch
Oranda Fantail mix 3-3.5 inch
Oranda Fantail mix 2.0-2.5 inch
Blue-Iron Goldfish 3-4 inch
Betta Male Copper Silk Plakat lg
Betta Male Black Mamba Lg
Betta Male Blue Alien lg
Betta Female Crowntail med
Betta Female Halfmoon med
Betta Female Super Delta med
Betta Male Nemo lg
Betta Male Koi lg
Betta Male Plakat Green Mask med
Betta Male Super Delta lg
Betta Male Halfmoon lg
Betta Male Plakat lg
Betta Male Dumbo Ear Platinum White lg
Betta Male Crowntail LG
Betta Male Double Longtail lg
Betta Male lg
Albino Iridescent Shark 1.5 inch
Iridescent Shark 1.5-2 inch
Flying Fox Algae Eater 1.5 inch
Ghost Shark 2 inch
Bala Silver Shark 2.0 inch
Longfin Cherry Barbs med (females)
Cherry Barbs med (females)
Platinum Green Tiger Barb med
Green Tiger Barb lg
Green Tiger Barb s/m
Longfin Tiger Barb s/m
Tiger Barb med
Tiger Barb s/m
Golden Tiger Barb s/m
Odessa Barb med
Rosy Barb med
Albino Paradise s/m
Opaline Gourami 2 inch
Blue Gourami 2 inch
Moonlight Gourami 2 inch
Pearl Gourami 2 inch
Giant Gourami White 2 inch
Blue Fin Red Paradise s/m
Pink Kissing Gourami 1.5 inch
Molly Orange med
Dalmation Molly med
Molly Calico s/m
Black Marble Molly med
Black Molly med
Black Molly s/m
Molly Leopard med
Molly Lyretail Mix s/m
Molly Balloon mix med
Molly Mix lg
Molly Mix med
Guppy Female Blue Mix m/l
Guppy Male Half Black Neon m/l
Guppy Male Luminous Leopard m/l
Guppy Male Dumbo Ear Platinum White med
Guppy Male Dumbo Ear Blue med
Guppy Male Green Lazer Endler med
Guppy Male Endler Blue med
Guppy Male Pingu (Bumble Bee) Med
Guppy Male Dumbo Ear Red m/l
Guppy Male Dumbo Ear Tiger med
Guppy Male Pink Tuxedo m/l
Guppy Male Pink m/l
Guppy Male Tuxedo Cobra med
Guppy Male Double Sword m/l
Guppy Male Green Moscow m/l
Guppy Male Blue Cobra m/l
Guppy Male Blue Moscow m/l
Guppy Male Yellow Tuxedo m/l
Guppy Male Red Mix m/l
Guppy Male Red Snakeskin m/l
Guppy Male Blue Mix m/l
Guppy Female Mix m/l
Guppy Male Mix med
s/t Green med
s/t Red Velvet med
s/t Red Velvet s/m
s/t Red Wagtail med
s/t Marble med
s/t Yellow Wagtail med
s/t Fancy Mix med
Platy Emerald med
Platy Coral Red Wagtail Sphitz med
Platy Coral Red Mickey Mouse med
Platy Coral Black med
Platy Coral Dark Red med
Platy Yellow Moon m/l
Platy Sunset Wagtail med
Platy Sunset Highfin med
Platy Dalmation med
Platy Pearl Blue med
Platy Black & White m/l
Platy Hawaii Variatus med
Platy Mix m/l
Platy Mix med
Platy Red Highfin med
Red Shrimp med
Red Rili Shrimp
Red Cherry Shrimp med
Bloody Mary Shrimp med
Blue Velvet Shrimp med
Orange Rilli Shrimp
Mountain Rock Shrimp med
Electric Blue Claw Lobster 2-2.5 inch
Platinum African Dwarf Frogs med
Phenochilus Tanzania 2.5-3 inch
Chailosi Cichlid 2 inch
Pseudotropheus Zebra Cobalt 3-3.5 inch
Red Zebra 4 inch
Albino Zebra Mbuna 3 inch
Red Empress Cichlid 3-3.5 inch
Red Empress Cichlid 1.5 inch
Albino Taiwan Reef 2 inch
Taiwan Reef 2 inch
Yellow Blaze Lithobates 4-4.5 inch (Males)
O/B Zebra 4+ inch
Albino Auratus Cichlid 2.5-3 inch
Yellow Labs 2.5-3 inch
Albino Pastel Trewavasae 4-5 inch
Albino Pastel Trewavasae 3-4 inch
Trewavasae 4 inch
Venustus 3 inch
Venustus 1.75 inch
Red Empress Ndewi 4 inch
Haplochromis Livingstoni 1.5 inch
Zebra Obliquidens 3.5-4 inch
Compressiceps 2 inch
Albino Compressiceps 2 inch
O.B. Peacock 2 inch
Usisya Flavescent Peacock 1.5 inch
Walteri Peacock 1.25 inch
Flametail Ngara Peacock 1.5 inch
Dolphin Moorii 2.5-3 inch
Blood Dragon Cichlid 3.5-4 inch
Mixed Male Peacocks 4 inch
Mixed Peacocks 2.5 inch
Mixed African Cichlids 5 inch
Mixed African Cichlids 4 inch
Mixed African Cichlids 3-3.5 inch
Mixed African Cichlids 1.0-1.25 inch
Assorted Tropheus 2.5-3 inch
Yellow Band Tropheus 3 inch
Red Saddle Tropheus 3 inch
Red Saddle Tropheus 2 inch
Red Bishops Tropheus 2.5-3 inch
Red Bishops Tropheus 2 inch
Orange Belt Tropheus Mbemba 4 inch
Tropheus Duboisi 4 inch
Tropheus Duboisi 2.5-3 inch
Africans Assorted Victorians 3.5-4 inch
Africans Assorted Victorians 1.5 inch
Lemon Cichlid 2 inch
Pearly lamprologus 2 inch
Ruinemans Aquarium Inc.
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Freshwater Fish
Blood Dragon Cichlid 3.5-4 inch
Where to buy
Blood Dragon Cichlid 4 inch
Blood Dragon Cichlid 3.5-4 inch
Aulonocara specie
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Ruinemans Aquarium Inc.
Supplier of Live Ornamental Fish & Animal-Food and Supplies
19150 SW 248th St
FL 3303