Sales conditions
Availability, sizes and prices are subject to seasonal changes. Only healthy fish will be shipped.
Special polystyrene, high-quality export boxes (25lbs) at $10 each. In winter we use heatpacks and summer we use coldpacks ($1,28 each).
100% of the full order amount in advance. Also 100% freight when sent prepaid.
Within 24 hours after receipt of consignment.
The minimum order incl. deliveries, except deliveries through agents, is $400,- product value excluding packing and freight.
Minimum quantity : 12 pieces for fish under $1,25 / piece (each price).
Minimum Plant order $50.00
U.S.A. - Freight collect through Southwest Airlines (preferred) or Delta Airlines. Remaining destinations will be booked according to available flights.
Freight cost by UPS throughout the United States, excl. Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico (Shipment total number of boxes including fish and plants):
- 1-2 boxes $88 each
- 3-4 boxes $67 each
- 5-8 boxes $57 each
- 9+ boxes $53 each
When you click an item for ordering and gets in your shopping basket, this is available at that moment; however, we only process any order just 1 day in advance of packing. If the item is not available at that moment we simply cannot ship this. In the mean time, fish can die, get sick, can be sold to other customers who come to us and select fish on the spot. We do not “reserve” any fish in advance. This would mean to hold reservations for weeks while we have to take care of the fish and bear the cost as holding facilities.